Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Kinder and First have been learning about Fiber Arts/Sewing. Here you can see they've learned how to do the running stitch and how to sew a star! Click on the Artsonia link above to watch the slideshow of their artwork.

Friday, March 26, 2010

This Week in the Art Studio...

Artist Quote of the day:

Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment
Claude Monet

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Week in Art...

Kinder and First have been learning about the process of sewing, PK students are rolling out the paint with textured rollers and middle school students are learning about printmaking. Second graders are learning watercolor techniques as they draw and paint castles. Watch the video below.

I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate. Vincent van Gogh

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Kinder and First Grade Found Object Characters

This lesson was so much fun for everyone. It involved playing with possibilities. Any shape could become a mouth, an ear, or a nose- it's just a matter of placement. Crayons and markers became tools for rubbing textures to use for clothing. It was all about transformation and creativity! To watch a slideshow of the artwork click on the Artsonia link above.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Artsonia Art Museum :: Gallery Slideshow

Project Storm- Watercolor Pieces inspired by Kandinsky

Second graders have been working on abstract watercolor pieces. First they chose shapes that they found interesting and arranged them into a composition. They colored in with crayons and followed with bright watercolor washes. The combination of wax from the crayons and watercolor paint had a very interesting effect. Click on the Artsonia link to watch a slideshow of their work.